Why should you read this book?
Are you a game changer?
Whether you realize it or not, in this moment, you are called into something bigger than yourself, which requires the creation of intentional purpose and alignment. In doing so, you’ll inevitably have to navigate the necessary messy middle of change, which is the gap between your current state and your desired purpose.
#1 International Best Seller on Amazon
The messy middle is the space where the painful, often unspoken work takes place. That work you whisper about to your most trusted confidants. The sacred work you often do not prioritize that ultimately moves you from success to significance. But you have to choose it and step into your game-changer posture to position your leadership and leaderful organization to drive innovation and change for the future.
Receiver of the Nautilus Book Award
Through imbalance and dis-ease, Tracey Greene-Washington navigated the messy middle of transformation and emerged as a true game changer in the work to address complex social change. In Purposeful Alignment, she guides you into your game-changer posture as you lean in to a journey of transformation, defining moments, clarity, and audacious boldness.

"Tracey presents a fresh vision for moving us from surviving to thriving. This book is a must read for every change agent who is willing to say yes to their life’s calling and purpose!"
— Edgar Villanueva, author "Decolonizing Wealth", activist and philanthropy expert
Meet Tracey

Tracey Greene-Washington is the President of Indigo Innovation Group, a consulting firm dedicated to serving as a strategic thought-partner, advisor, coach and consultant to philanthropic, nonprofit, and private/public organizations committed to accelerating change through system-level approaches, equity, and strategic collaboration. In addition to this role she is the Founder of CoThinkk, a social change philanthropy led by BIPOC communities committed to systems change in Western NC through strategic investments, systems change, centering racial equity, network-building, and civic discourse. Lastly, Tracey Greene-Washington is a social entrepreneur and co-owner of NoGrease Northlake and No Grease Premium Barbershops and Co-CEO of Razored Technologies. She has over two decades of experience leading high-level initiatives that address complex issues and gained a reputation as an innovative leader that is committed to partnering with organizations/communities to be more impactful by targeting systemic change, taking risk, and accelerating change.
Mrs. Greene-Washington completed a Tedx titled Addressing Complex Social Change, What If and #1 International Bestseller and 2021 Nautilus Award-Winner, titled Choosing Purposeful Alignment: The Messy Middle of Transformation. She is the recipient of the 2023 KNOW 100 Women to know Across America Award, 2022 CoachDiversity Impact Award, KNOW 2022 Social Impact Award, 2022 Co-Recipient of the Carolina Small Business Change Agent of the Year Award, 2021 Rosa Parks Award, 2020 Linetta Gilbert Service Award-Community Investment Network, 2019 Bubbles Griffin Award-Western Women's Center, and 2019 Best of Women to KNOW Feature. She grew up in Asheville North Carolina and is a Certified Coach through Coach Diversity Institute. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Master of Social Work degree from the University of South Carolina.

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